General Terms And Conditions
General Terms And Conditions Of Hendrix Law
With its registered office in Amsterdam, listed in the Commercial Register
of the Chamber of Commerce in Amsterdam under number 63062720
- Hendrix Law is a partnership that consists of sole traders and/or companies, both registered with the chamber of commerce in accordance with the laws of The Netherlands. The execution of the activities shall procure by the lawyer, explicitly mentioned in the specific engagement letter. These general terms and conditions are also stipulated in the interest of the partners of Hendrix Law, other staff and third parties engaged by or on behalf of Hendrix Law in relation to the carrying out of any commission.
- These general terms and conditions apply to all commissions given to Hendrix Law by a principal within the context of the execution of its activities. All commissions, putting aside article 7:404 Dutch Civil Code and article 7:407 paragraph 2 Dutch Civil Code, are exclusively accepted and executed by the partnership Hendrix Law.
- The joint liability of the partnership, the partners and its directors, the lawyers and the persons working for the partnership and third parties engaged by the partnership is, as a whole, always limited to the amount paid under the occupational liability insurance of the partnership in the case concerned, increased by the amount of the own risk that, pursuant to the policy conditions, is payable by the partnership in the case concerned. Upon request, these policy are open for inspection. 2. If and insofar as no payment is made in conformity with the above insurance for reasons that fall outside the specific circumstances of the present damage case, the joint liability of the partnership, the partners and its directors, and of the lawyers and persons working for the partnership and third parties engaged by the partnership as a whole will be limited to an amount of € 25,000,- or, in the event that the fee ex V.A.T. invoiced by the private company in the matter concerned, ex V.A.T., is higher, to an amount equal to the fee with a maximum of € 50,000,- ex V.A.T.
- Hendrix Law is entitled to engage third parties in relation to the carrying out of any commission. The choice of these third parties will be made, insofar as possible, in consultation with the principal and with due observance of due diligence. The partnership nor the two private companies are not liable for shortcomings of these third parties. Except in case of intention or gross negligence on the part of the partnership or the two private companies, the principal indemnifies the partnership against any claims of third parties, including the costs incurred by the partnership in relation thereto, which are in any way connected to the activities executed for the principal.
- The execution of commissions given will take place exclusively in the interest of the principal. Third parties cannot derive any rights from the contents of the activities executed. 2. The principal agrees that his personal data are included in an automated system. The data are exclusively used for the purpose of the proper execution of the commission. 3. By providing his e-mail address, the principal agrees that his e-mail address is used (I) to properly execute the commission and (II) for Hendrix Law to send newsletters and invitations for seminars and lectures. 4. If the principle does not, or no longer, wish to receive any information that is not directly related to a commission, the principle can unsubscribe by clicking on the link at the bottom of the newsletter or by sending an e-mail containing this request to [email protected]5. The file formed in the context of a commission will be kept during 7 years, after which it will be destroyed.
- The rates of the lawyers associated with Hendrix Law vary depending on their expertise and specialist knowledge. The partnership is entitled to (periodically) change the rates used by it and the expense allowances stipulated by it. A list of the currently prevailing rates is provided on request.
- Hendrix Law is entitled to request a retainer fee or an advance payment to cover for future services and disbursements. Hendrix Law is entitled to postpone (continuation of) the execution of the commission until the retainer of advance payment is received: Hendrix Law will inform the principal in good time if it is invoking this right.
- Invoices of Hendrix Law must be paid within 14 days, failing which the principal shall be in default. After the expiry of the term specified, Hendrix Law may charge the principal compensation due to loss of interest of 1% per month.
- The legal relationship between the principal and Hendrix Law is exclusively governed by the law of the Netherlands. 2. Any disputes arising from the legal relationship between the principal and Hendrix Law to which these terms and conditions apply, will be exclusively settled by the competent court in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, without prejudice to the competence of Hendrix Law to bring disputes before the legally competent court.
- These general terms and conditions provided in Dutch and in English. The text of the Dutch terms and conditions prevails over the English text. The terms and conditions will be open for inspection at the office of Hendrix Law in Amsterdam and will be provided on request. The general terms and conditions can also be found on